Sunday, September 27, 2009

My 25th Birthday Party

Well we all know I'm a bit of a Diva, so it was only right that I celebrate my 25th birthday @ The 40/40 Club. I had all my girls in attendance, even flew in from out of town to celebrate, and my closest homies soo you know we did it up!!! Had a few issues @ the door, but was quickly resolved and we partied the night away. I have to give a BIG shout out to Ksyn, Khadijah, Kami, Madison, Pam, Julito, T.J, Suave, JDidda, Ace, & DJ Envy for making it a great night!!!! Ya'll really helped me bring my birthday in right!!!

My 25th Birthday.....the Re-cap

Last time I left you guys, I was @ the airport headed to NC. Well once I landed in NC, things got WAAAAAYYYY better. My cuzin scooped me up from the airport, we chilled in Raleigh for a minute before heading to my moms. I LOVE being at home cuz its helps me breathe and get my thoughts together.

My birthday started off great, with a huge breakfast by my mom, topped off with Peach Daiquiris. Spent the rest of the day just chillin with my family and stuffing our faces. My mom even surprised with a GREAT ice-cream cake. Later that night, me, my lil sis, and her friends hit da club and of course we were the flyest chicks there!!!!

I ended up staying in NC longer since I had no job, plus my mom's birthday is 5 days after mines. My sis and I took her to dinner after we did a family photo shoot to celebrate my neice's upcoming 1st birthday.

Overall, my birthday ended up being great thanks to my family and friends!!! Luv ya'll!!!

The World Thru Mii Eyes.....

Wats good world?!?!?! I've been M.I.A for a min cuz I really needed to get my head 2gether. These last few weeks have been a real rollercoaster.....shed tears, laughed alot and finally gettin my focus back. My birthday actually turned out good thanks to my mom and family. Been to a few events since including VMA after parties and Exxxotica '09. Glad to be lets gets down 2 biz!!!!! LOL

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hatin My Life Right Now

I swear I hate my life right now, seems like everything i touch turns to hell. Nothing I do seems to go right. I cant deal with this, I cant continue to do this. Just when things are looking up, shit does a 360 and goes to hell again. I cant fuckin win for losin.....i just wish God would either help me fix this or kill me now......

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Crazy Wknd Thus Far......

I dont know whether or not I've been cursed but my last two birthdays have been HELL!!! Last year was going great until a week before when my GodMother moved back from ATL and pretty much kicked me out. The dumb bitch came and told me "Oh you got 30 days to get out!" WHAT.....EXCUSE ME?!?!?! U didnt have the thought or decency to even give a call prior and let me know what you were planning. She could call for everything else but you couldn't rely that important message. I just dont understand how some people operate....SMH. SO I ended up having to cancel my party and just spent it with my cuzins & psycho (aka my ex).

This year was going quite different. I have a stable living situation, decent job (which I hated), and had planned to do something very low-key. On Thursday, Aug 27th, all my birthday plans seemed to start crumbling around me. My stupid ass job fired me over my so-called attendance (the jury is still out on that 1) and totally threw my plans for a loop. I decided immediately that I wouldn't have the bowling party anymore, just go home and still celebrate with my fam. I knew things where getting bad when Khadijah called me early Fri morn and was like that she couldn't go. She had to handle some important shit, so I wasn't mad, cuz I knew that came 1st. Now my other roadie is a diff story. I had been calling my best friend T.J since 11a Fri morn. I know how hard he sleeps so that's why I started blowing his phone up. He finally answered @ 1p and gave me some bullshit bout his stupid baby mother being sick. Its funny how soon as he told her he was going with me 2 NC, the dumb bitch got sick....SMH!! He tells me "Oh, I'ma let you know if I'm still going within an hr".....the hr came & went, still no T.J. You know my blood is boiling by this point!! I finally speak to him again @ 3 and he like "Oh Juice I'm sorry, I'm not going"...ah ah ah. You know I spazzed cuz my point was just call & let me know something, dont have me waiting around for nothing. Like that is the worst for me, cuz all you gotta do is communicate with me. So I banged on him and I might call when I get back, I might not.

....then the BOMB REALLY DROPPED. I spoke to my homeboy Russ (who's car I was borrowing to go to NC) and he let me know that my cuzin didnt think I should take the car that far since the shaft was messed up...R U FUCKIN SERIOUS???? OMG I just started crying cuz it did not seem I was gonna ever wake up from this nightmare!!! I called my mom all panicked and crying becuz I didnt know what to do. Yea Russ had said he would give me @ least half on a bus ticket but I wasnt tryin to do no bus. I hopped online real quick and found a flight on JetBlue for only $79. I was SOOOOOOOOO happy, hit up my cuzin oh so fast to see if he could scoop me from the airport and I was good. Once I got that confirmation #, I could breathe alot easier cuz I knew I was finally outta this bitch!!!

Got here this morn, super early, courtsey of Russ, we had that great blunt of sour and I'm happy. Everything was going smooth this morn til I thought I had lost my phone..gotta stop smoking so much!!! It was inside my check-in bag, once I found it I could breathe again!!! Breezed through security, and they were loving my "R u a Dutch Master Killa?" shirt..LMAOOO luv makin people laugh!! Grabbed me an XL-Lg Tea from Dunkin Donuts, connected to this great free wi-fi @ JetBlue and chilling til I board my fliight in a few.

Hopefully the rest of this weekend finally works out cuz I need my 25th birthday to be great!!! Sooo next time I post, I'll be chillin by the pool with a blunt!! :)


Thursday, August 27, 2009

The World Thru Mii Eyes.....

OMG today couldn't have been worst. My stupid ass job fired me today, over my damn attendance!!! What's funny is I was barely late or missed any days. My ex-boss definition of late is anything past 9:05.....R U FUCKIN SERIOUS??? This is the same person who told me I couldn't go back out and get tea becuz they don't pay me to get coffee. Well if this place had a coffee pot or some hot water (besides tap) then I could make my own..SMH!!! I'm not stressing over that place (done enough of that) cuz I've already started on the path to a new job. Hopefully things work out tomorrow and I'll be starting something new next week. Gonna go to NC, enjoy my birthday and family and come back to the city refreshed & tanned!! LOL

Cant hold a real bitch down!!!!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Ya Ear!!!!

Welcome to the 1st Edition of In Ya Ear Wednesday!! This week's topic... BluePrint 3.

We all knew that Hov would never "officially" retire, but he can' is his life. I am a HUGE Jay fan, and so far I am still sorta on the fence about BP3. I've heard all the leaked tracks and only "Venus vs. Mars" is impressing me. On "Off That" feat. Drake, I honestly felt Drake spit hotter shit than Jay. Don't get me wrong Jay did his thing, but Drake just came harder! "Reminder"..I'm loving the beat, but "Venus vs. Mars" is FUCKIN HARD!!! OOOoo he spit some crazzzzzy bars on that one! One thing tho...a completely Auto-Tune free album...can it really be done? With Kanye producing a huge chunk of the album (no surprise there) and production from Timberland, Swizz, No I.D, The Inkredibles & The Neptunes, should be a no-brainer, but how will it really sound? We all have gotten so used to hearing Auto-Tune everywhere, will it still have that super dope sound?? I'm praying it does, especially with guest drops from the likes of Drake (of course), Alicia Keys, Kid Cudi, Rihanna, & J.Cole, this album BETTER BE A CLASSIC!!! It would be a major disappointment after his last showing with "American Gangster".

So am I gonna cop an official BP3 (no bootleggin' ova here!!).....of course, I'm a true Jay-Z fan!!!

Leaked Tracks Produced by Timberland

BluePrint 3 Track Listing

1. What We Talkin' Bout - feat Luke Steele
2. Thank You
3. D.O.A (Death of AutoTune)
4. Run This Town - feat Kanye West & Rihanna
5. Empire State of Mind - feat Alicia Keys
6. Real as It Gets - feat Young Jezzy
7. On to the Next One - feat Swizz Beats
8. Off That - feat Drake
9. A Star is Born - feat J.Cole
10. Venus vs. Mars
11. Already Home - feat Kid Cudi
12. Hate - feat Kanye West
13. Reminder
14. So Ambitious - feat Pharrell
15. Young Forever - feat Mr. Hudson


The World Thru Mii Eyes.....

Everyday my life is different and sometimes quite interesting...and I think you deserve a little taste of it each day. This is where I get out all my daily thoughts, both crazy and random. I hope it offers you some humor, inspiration, and to question the reasoning behind it.

Today has been a pretty normal day, nothing really special happened. Just gettin anxious about going home this weekend cuz I really miss my family. If you dont know, my mom, lil sis & niece mean the world to me!! Plus its also my 25th birthday weekend, and its only right I'm with the fam!! We plan on just kicking back, grillin' out & getting fucked up!!! I know I also plan on catchin a nice tan @ the pool. Hopefully my night will pick up, maybe see the boo...probably just end up going to eat with Russ cuz we'll have the munchies!!! :)


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Skull Gang Wknd

So its August and that means Skull Gang Wknd!!!! This is the 2nd yr its been an all wknd thing, used to just be a big cookout in the park on 151st & Amsterdam. Juelz really went all out this yr!!

....Day 1....'09 started off wit a HUGE party @ Billy's Sports Bar in the Bronx. Once we all pulled up, we knew it was gonna be a problem! We all know Juelz & Skull Gang have a DEEP following and this spot couldnt even begin to hold the people, but fuck it, we gonna do wat it do!! So I rolled up in the club with Ms Deb aka Mama Santana and a few of my friends. It was already poppin & wasnt even 12 yet. Once they got everything together and the bottles started flowing thats when the headache set in!! The Blue Army aka NYPD came storm troopin thru the party before anything could even go bad. For the rest of the night, they made their presence WELL known!!! They eventually got frustrated and ended up shutting the party down around 2:45am. Its crazy cuz NONE of the host even got into the party. The police had shut the doors down and wasnt havin it. Then... Juelz took the mic....and in his nicest most scarastic way, cursed the police & the club owners out!! It was HILARIOUS!!!! After that it was kinda crazy gettin out the club, but we was all good and by 4am, me & Ms Deb were hittin up McDonald's!! LOL

** peep the video of Juelz flippin out when the party gets shut down!!

....Day 2..... We all got a SUPER early start to the day becuz the cookout was scheduled to start @ 12. They wanted to make sure every1 showed up on time becuz last yr the police shut down the road goin in the park. So its 11am, every1 is dressed, ready to go, and we get the text.... COOKOUT CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE BILLY!!! SMH...aint this a bitch!!!! We kinda figured it would happen but were trying to hope for the best. It's will be rescheduled!LOL

....Day 3..Great Adventures Oh YEA!!!!!
This was the definite highlight of Skull Gang Wknd '09....bus ride to Great Adventures!! We started our journey on 155th & St. Nick..& oh wat a ride!! We were three buses deep and had enough liquor to stock any club!!! LMAOOOOOOooo Thanks to Juelz, he introduced me to that new Ed Hardy vodka and the bottle alone is SICK!!!! It was the funniest 1hr & some change i've had in a while!!! Once we got to the park of course Juelz looked out and treated EVERY1!!! We took Great Adventures by storm!!! We hit every single ride in the park...well, i didnt do every1! I have a rule...I need an overhead harness!! LMAAOOO Sorry, i like to know i'm protected!! The Superman, Bizarro, & Batman were my favs!!! I didnt do El Toro or Nitro...couldnt fuck wit it!! Everyone left the park tired but had mad fun!!! We all came back with mad unnecessary shit but you wouldn't visit a theme park if u didn't!!! LOL

BIG BIG SHouts go out to Juelz, Ms Deb, Marcella, John Deep, Yande & 80's Baby Ent!! It was a GREAT wknd....cant wait til next yr!!!


So I had started my blogspot page a while ago but never really got into it. Dont really know why, cuz I always have a lot on my mind, why not express it. So I guess you can call this my intro blog, & i'ma keep it short & sweet. My blog is an interesting one, one of my interest & crazy thoughts. So hope you find some informative & funny posts and please feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate them all!!!
