Sunday, September 27, 2009

My 25th Birthday.....the Re-cap

Last time I left you guys, I was @ the airport headed to NC. Well once I landed in NC, things got WAAAAAYYYY better. My cuzin scooped me up from the airport, we chilled in Raleigh for a minute before heading to my moms. I LOVE being at home cuz its helps me breathe and get my thoughts together.

My birthday started off great, with a huge breakfast by my mom, topped off with Peach Daiquiris. Spent the rest of the day just chillin with my family and stuffing our faces. My mom even surprised with a GREAT ice-cream cake. Later that night, me, my lil sis, and her friends hit da club and of course we were the flyest chicks there!!!!

I ended up staying in NC longer since I had no job, plus my mom's birthday is 5 days after mines. My sis and I took her to dinner after we did a family photo shoot to celebrate my neice's upcoming 1st birthday.

Overall, my birthday ended up being great thanks to my family and friends!!! Luv ya'll!!!

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