Thursday, August 27, 2009

The World Thru Mii Eyes.....

OMG today couldn't have been worst. My stupid ass job fired me today, over my damn attendance!!! What's funny is I was barely late or missed any days. My ex-boss definition of late is anything past 9:05.....R U FUCKIN SERIOUS??? This is the same person who told me I couldn't go back out and get tea becuz they don't pay me to get coffee. Well if this place had a coffee pot or some hot water (besides tap) then I could make my own..SMH!!! I'm not stressing over that place (done enough of that) cuz I've already started on the path to a new job. Hopefully things work out tomorrow and I'll be starting something new next week. Gonna go to NC, enjoy my birthday and family and come back to the city refreshed & tanned!! LOL

Cant hold a real bitch down!!!!


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