Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Crazy Wknd Thus Far......

I dont know whether or not I've been cursed but my last two birthdays have been HELL!!! Last year was going great until a week before when my GodMother moved back from ATL and pretty much kicked me out. The dumb bitch came and told me "Oh you got 30 days to get out!" WHAT.....EXCUSE ME?!?!?! U didnt have the thought or decency to even give a call prior and let me know what you were planning. She could call for everything else but you couldn't rely that important message. I just dont understand how some people operate....SMH. SO I ended up having to cancel my party and just spent it with my cuzins & psycho (aka my ex).

This year was going quite different. I have a stable living situation, decent job (which I hated), and had planned to do something very low-key. On Thursday, Aug 27th, all my birthday plans seemed to start crumbling around me. My stupid ass job fired me over my so-called attendance (the jury is still out on that 1) and totally threw my plans for a loop. I decided immediately that I wouldn't have the bowling party anymore, just go home and still celebrate with my fam. I knew things where getting bad when Khadijah called me early Fri morn and was like that she couldn't go. She had to handle some important shit, so I wasn't mad, cuz I knew that came 1st. Now my other roadie is a diff story. I had been calling my best friend T.J since 11a Fri morn. I know how hard he sleeps so that's why I started blowing his phone up. He finally answered @ 1p and gave me some bullshit bout his stupid baby mother being sick. Its funny how soon as he told her he was going with me 2 NC, the dumb bitch got sick....SMH!! He tells me "Oh, I'ma let you know if I'm still going within an hr".....the hr came & went, still no T.J. You know my blood is boiling by this point!! I finally speak to him again @ 3 and he like "Oh Juice I'm sorry, I'm not going"...ah ah ah. You know I spazzed cuz my point was just call & let me know something, dont have me waiting around for nothing. Like that is the worst for me, cuz all you gotta do is communicate with me. So I banged on him and I might call when I get back, I might not.

....then the BOMB REALLY DROPPED. I spoke to my homeboy Russ (who's car I was borrowing to go to NC) and he let me know that my cuzin didnt think I should take the car that far since the shaft was messed up...R U FUCKIN SERIOUS???? OMG I just started crying cuz it did not seem I was gonna ever wake up from this nightmare!!! I called my mom all panicked and crying becuz I didnt know what to do. Yea Russ had said he would give me @ least half on a bus ticket but I wasnt tryin to do no bus. I hopped online real quick and found a flight on JetBlue for only $79. I was SOOOOOOOOO happy, hit up my cuzin oh so fast to see if he could scoop me from the airport and I was good. Once I got that confirmation #, I could breathe alot easier cuz I knew I was finally outta this bitch!!!

Got here this morn, super early, courtsey of Russ, we had that great blunt of sour and I'm happy. Everything was going smooth this morn til I thought I had lost my phone..gotta stop smoking so much!!! It was inside my check-in bag, once I found it I could breathe again!!! Breezed through security, and they were loving my "R u a Dutch Master Killa?" shirt..LMAOOO luv makin people laugh!! Grabbed me an XL-Lg Tea from Dunkin Donuts, connected to this great free wi-fi @ JetBlue and chilling til I board my fliight in a few.

Hopefully the rest of this weekend finally works out cuz I need my 25th birthday to be great!!! Sooo next time I post, I'll be chillin by the pool with a blunt!! :)


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