Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The World Thru Mii Eyes.....

Everyday my life is different and sometimes quite interesting...and I think you deserve a little taste of it each day. This is where I get out all my daily thoughts, both crazy and random. I hope it offers you some humor, inspiration, and to question the reasoning behind it.

Today has been a pretty normal day, nothing really special happened. Just gettin anxious about going home this weekend cuz I really miss my family. If you dont know, my mom, lil sis & niece mean the world to me!! Plus its also my 25th birthday weekend, and its only right I'm with the fam!! We plan on just kicking back, grillin' out & getting fucked up!!! I know I also plan on catchin a nice tan @ the pool. Hopefully my night will pick up, maybe see the boo...probably just end up going to eat with Russ cuz we'll have the munchies!!! :)


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